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Shutter speed
Shutter speed or exposer time is the length of time the camera is exposed to light when taking a photograph. Fast shutter speed has less exposure and the picture is taken quite quickly. Where as, slow shutter speed means that any photograph you take has more exposure to light. A fast shuter speed is good when wanting to capture motion in photographs. Then slow shutter speed is good when wanting to let a lot of light into an image.

Aperture is the opening on a camera which lets the light in and controls the amount that is let in. An aperture is also known as the optical system which determines the number of rays that are allowed to go through the camera. The aperture is good for when you want to choose the amount of exposer that you want in a photograph.


Iso is the camera’s sensitivity to light. The lower the ISO indicates less sensitivity to light. Whereas higher ISO means that there is more sensitivity to light in the photograph. IOS stands for international organization for standardation which stands for different measurements.

Slow Shutter Speed

Fast Shutter Speed

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